Publication List
Refereed Journal:
- Nobuhito Sekiya, Ayaka Mae, Mchuno Alfred Peter, Beno Kiwale, Anton, Tasuku Eigen, Saki Yamayoshi, Masaru Sakai, Kunio Watanabe, Takaharu Kameoka, 2024, Sustainable nitrogen management in rice farming: spatial patterns of nitrogen availability and implications for community-level practices, Sustainability, 16(22), 9880;
- Nozomi Kaneko Sato, Yoshihiro Iijima, Kenji Okajima, Nobuhito Sekiya and Kunio Watanabe, 2024, Influence of pixel extraction area and flight altitude on estimation of soil chemical properties in paddy field using UAS remote sensing, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Phys.158, 29-42
- Kenta Suzuki and Kunio Watanabe, Observation of ice lensing in directionally frozen soil using a hyperspectral camera, 2023, Proceedings of International Symposium on Ground Freezing, 41-47
- Nozomi Kaneko Sato, Takeshi Tsuji, Yoshihiro Iijima, Nobuhito Sekiya and Kunio Watanabe, 2023, Predicting rice lodging risk from the distribution of available nitrogen in soil using UAS images in a paddy field, Sensors, 23, 6466,
- Ieyasu Tokumot, Toyokazu Hirozumi, Masaru Sakai, Junko Nishiwaki, Chihiro Kato, Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, Yohei Ishikawa, 2022, Application development and practice model for radiation education, IEEJ Trans. A, 142(7), DOI: 10.1002/ecj.12373.
- Ryota Okuda, Kunio Watanabe, 2021, Heat flow in Andisol during freezing with different soil water content, Trans. of JSIDRE, , 89(1), I_173-I_180, doi:10.11408/jsidre.89.I_173.
- Kazuyuki Saito, Kunio Watanabe, Shigenori Haginoya, Kazuo Takeda, Tetsuo Sueyoshi, Tomoyoshi Hirota, Masaru Mizoguchi, Koichiro Harada, Hiromasa Hosaka, Masato Kimura and Hironori Yabuki, 2020, Database for ground temperature and freezing depth in Japan, Polar Data Journal, 4, 83-96.
- Yoshiko Muto, Takahiro Doyama, Maki Nakanishi and Kunio Watanabe, 2019, Nitrogen Transport and Change in Amount of ATP with Nitrification in Andisol during Evaporation, Trans. of JSIDRE, , 309, T_281-T_288 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Yurie Osada, Hiroshi Soma, Shinya Aoki and Kunio Watanabe, 2019, The application of the ground freezing method for replacing the wall surface of a strip-shaped steel reinforced earth wall, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 143, 17-23 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract) .
- Kunio Watanabe, Maki Nakanishi, Yuki Kusafuka and Yoshiko Muto, 2019, Fate and transport of ammonia nitrogen in Andisol under unsaturated water flow conditions with different temperatures, Trans. of JSIDRE, 308, I_1-I_8 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Kunio Watanabe and Yurie Osada, 2017, Simultaneous measurement of unfrozen water content and hydraulic conductivity of partially frozen soil near 0C, Cold Regions Science and Technologyl, 142, 79-84, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2017.08.002
- Yuki Kugisaki and Kunio Watanabe, 2017, Soil water redistribution associated with thawing of the surface frozen soil layer, Trans. of JSIDRE, 305, I191-198 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Yoshiko Muto, Yuma, Kubota, Naomori, Kiriyama, Kunio Watanabe, 2017, Simple calibration methods for the application of the 5TE sensor to field monitoring of soil water content and electrical conductivity. J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 137, 3-9 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract)
- Kunio Watanabe and Yuki Kugisaki, 2017, Effect of macropores on soil freezing and thawing with infiltration, Hydrological Processes, 31, 270-278, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10939
- C. Iba, Y. Taniguchi, K. Koizumi, K. Watanabe, K. Sano, C. Piao, M. Yoshioka, 2016.
Environmental monitoring and surface treatment tests for conservation of the rock hewn church of Uzumlu, cappadocia, Hughes, J., & Howind, T. (Eds.), Science and Art: A Future for Stone: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Volume 2, 1145-1152, Paisley: University of the West of Scotland. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe and Yurie Osada, 2016, Comparison of hydraulic conductivity in frozen saturated and unfrozen unsaturated soils, Vadose Zone Journal, doi: 10.2136/vzj2015.11.0154
- Yoshiko Muto, Kunio Watanabe, Kiyohito Yamamoto and Eiichi Kurashima, 2015, Improving 5TE measurement for volcanic ash soils: simple calibration method for volumetric water content and verification of electrical conductivity estimation. Trans. of JSIDRE, 296, I9-I17 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Subcommittee on Ground Freezing, 2014, Knowledghe of frozen soil -Technology of artificial frozen soil wall -, Seppyo 76(2), 179-192.
- Barret Kurylyk and Kunio Watanabe, 2013, Review: The mathematical representation of freezing and thawing processes in variably-saturated, non-deformable soils, Advances in Water Resources, 60, 160-177doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.07.016
- Kunio Watanabe and Tomomi Wake, 2013, Solute effect on soil water flow and hydraulic properties of frozen unsaturated sand. seppyo, 75(5), 253-261. (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).[PDF].
- Kunio Watanabe, Yurie Osada, Masaru Sakai and Nobuo Toride, 2013, Successive measurement of water retention curves for relatively dry soils using "AquaLab VSA", J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 124, 43-49. (in Japanese; incl. English abstract) [PDF]
- Yoshiko Muto, Kie Kato and Kunio Watanabe, 2013, Change in soil redox potential during evaporation, Trans. of JSIDRE, 284, 23-29 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Satoru Yamaguchi, Kunio Watanabe and Yoshiyuki Ishii, 2012, Investigation of water movement through snowcover based on cold laboratory experiments, Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences, 42(3), 89-99.
- Kunio Watanabe, Tetsuya Kito, Shuhui Dun, Joan Q. Wu, R. Cory Greer and Markus Flury, 2012, Water infiltration into a frozen soil with simultaneous melting of the frozen layer, Vadose Zone Journal, 12, doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0188.
- Kunio Watanabe, Megumi Takeuchi, Yurie Osada and Kazumasa Ibata. 2012, Micro chilled-mirror hygrometer for measuring water potential in relatively dry and partially frozen soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 76, 1938-1945, doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0070.
- Satoru Yamaguchi, Kunio Watanabe, Takafumi Katsushima, Atsushi Sato, and Toshiro Kumakura, 2012, Dependence of the water retention curve of snow on snow characteristics, Annals of Glaciology, 53(61), 6-12, doi:10.3189/2012AoG61A001.
- Satoshi Akagawa, Go Iwahana, Kunio Watanabe, Evgeny M. Chuvilin and Vladimir A. Istomin, 2012, Improvement of pulse NMR technology for determination of unfrozen water content in frozen soils, In Proceedings of 10th international conferenc on Permafrost, 21-26.[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Tetsuya Kito, Tomomi Wake, Masaru Sakai, 2011, Freezing experiments on unsaturated sand, loam and silt loam, Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 37-43[PDF].
- Kunio Watanabe, Tetsuya Kito, Masaru Sakai, Nobuo Toride, 2010, Evaluation of hydraulic properties of a frozen soil based on observed unfrozen water contents at the freezing front., J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 116, 9-18.[PDF]
- Nobuo Toride, Kunio Watanabe, Yudai Hisayuki and Masaru Sakai, 2010, Infiltration into a soil profile: 4. Layered soil, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 116, 27-35.[PDF]
- Nobuo Toride, Kunio Watanabe, Yudai Hisayuki and Masaru Sakai, 2010, Infiltration into a soil profile: 3. Green and Ampt model, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 115, 51-60.[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Yousuke Oomori, Tomomi Wake, and Masaru Sakai, 2010, Simultaneous measurements of water content and thermal conductivity of frozen soils by using thermo-TDR method, seppyo, 72(3), 157-168.
- Nobuo Toride, Kunio Watanabe, and Hiroki Morisaki, 2010, Infiltration into a soil profile: 2. Influence of the initial water content, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 114, 71-80.[PDF]
- Nobuo Toride, Kunio Watanabe, and Masaru Sakai, 2009, Infiltration into a soil profile: 1. Flux and pressure boundary conditions, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 113, 31-41.[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe and Tomomi Wake, 2009, Measurement of unfrozen water content and relative permittivity of frozen unsaturated soil using NMR and TDR, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 59(1), 34-41doi:10.1016/J.coldregions.2009.05.011.
- Kunio Watanabe and Markus Flury, 2008, Capillary bundle model of hydraulic conductivity for frozen soil, Water Resour. Res., 44, W12402, .doi:10.1029/2008WR007012.
- Kunio Watanabe and Misako Ito, 2008, In situ observation of the distribution and activity of microorganisms in frozen soil, Cold Regions Science and Technology,54, 1-6, [doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2007.12.004]
- Kunio Watanabe and Tomomi Wake, 2008, Hydraulic Conductivity of Frozen Unsaturated Soil, In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Permafrost, 147-152.[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Nobuo Toride, Masaru Sakai, and Jiri Simunek, 2007, Numerical modeling of waterand solute transport during soil freezing., J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 106, 21-32 (in Japanese).[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Yokokawa Kosuke and Muto Yoshiko, 2006, Observation of frost heave of THF clathrate hydrate on porous glass powder,In Cold Regions Engineering 2006; Current practices in cold regions engineering; proceedings of the 13th international conference (ed. Davies, Michael et al.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Regions Engineering, 13, 10 p. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Kousuke Yokogawa and Yoshiko Muto, 2004, Frost Heave Phenomena of Tetrahydrofuran Clathrate Hydrate on Porous Glass Powder, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 96, 83-88 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract). [PDF]
- Yoshiko Muto, Kunio Watanabe and Akira Shinjo, 2004, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 96, 65-70 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract). [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe and Kenichi Nakanishi, 2003, XRF observation of Cd distribution in a freezing porous powdeer, Trans. of JSIDRE, 228, 99-104 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Kunio Watanabe, Hideki Kiyosawa, Kazunari Fukumura, Tadataka Ezaki and Masaru Mizoguchi,2003, Spatial and temporal variation of thaw depth in Siberian tundra near Tiksi, In Proceedings of 8th international conferenc on Permafrost, 1211-1216. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe and Masaru Mizoguchi, 2002, Amount of unfrozen water in frozen porous media saturated with solution, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 34 (2), 103-110. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, 2002, Relationship between growth rate and supercooling in the formation of ice lenses in a glass powder, Journal of Crystal Growth, 237-239Part3, 2194-1298. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Yoshiko Muto and Masaru Mizoguchi, 2001, Water and solute distributions near an ice lens in a glass-powder medium saturated with sodium chloride solution under unidirectional freezing, Crystal Growth and Design, 1, pp. 207-211. [PDF]
- Yoshiko Muto, Kunio Watanabe, Takeshi Ishizaki and Masaru Mizoguchi, 2001, Observation of ice lensing in glass-powder medium - The relationship between ice lens growth and water content, J. Japanese Soc. Snow and Ice, 63, 3-9 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract). [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe and Masaru Mizoguchi, 2000, Ice configuration near a growing ice lens in a freezing porous medium consisting of micro glass particles, Journal of Crystal Growth, 213, pp. 145-140. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, Hideki Kiyosawa and Yuji Kodama, 2000, Properties and horizons of active layer soils in tundra at Tiksi, Siberia, J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. & Water Resour., 13, 9-16 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Kunio Watanabe, Yoshiko Muto and Masaru Mizoguchi, 2000, A model for the formation of ice lenses in an unconfined, water-saturated, porous medium consisting of spherical particles, Ground Freezing 2000 ed. J-F Thimus, pp. 55-60. [PDF(1),PDF(2)]
- Kunio Watanabe, Yoshiko Muto and Masaru Mizoguchi, 1999, A model of layered ice-formation in unconfined water-saturated spherical glass particles, J. Japanese Soc. Snow and Ice, 61, 207-214 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract). [PDF]
- Yoshiko Muto, Kunio Watanabe, Takeshi Ishizaki and Masaru Mizoguchi, 1998, Microscopic observation of ice lensing in glass beads, Trans. of JSIDRE, 194, pp. 97-103 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
- Yoshiko Mutou, Kunio Watanabe, Takeshi Ishizaki, Masaru Mizoguchi, 1998, Microscopic observation of ice lensing and frost heaves in glass beads , In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Permafrost, ed. A. G. Lewkowiez and M. Allard, 783-787. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, Takeshi Ishizaki and Masami Fukuda, 1997, Experimental study on microstructure near freezing front during soil freezing, Ground Freezing 97, ed. S. Knutsson, pp. 187-192. [PDF(1), PDF(2)]
- Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi and Takeshi Ishizaki, 1997, Experimental study on microstructure near freezing frond during soil freezing, Trans. of JSIDRE, 191, 51-58 (in Japanese; incl. English abstract).
Book chapters:
- The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, Question for snow and ice 60, Seizando-Shoten Publicshing Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 2016.
- The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, Japanese dictionary of snow and ice, 2nd Ed., Kokon Shoin, Tokyo, 2014.
- Kunio Watanabe, Water and Solute Transport in Porous Media by Freeze-Thawe Processes, In Precise Control and Estimation of Porous Materials, Science Technology, Tokyo, 2008, pp.399-407, Science&Technology, ISBN978-4-903413-34-1
- Nobuo Toride, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Hiroyuki Cho, Taku Nishimura, Toshitsugu Moroizumi and Kunio Watanabe (Japanese translation), Soil Physics, 6th Edition by William A. Jury and Robert Horton, Tsukiji Shyokan, Tokyo, 2006.
- Kunio Watanabe, 2023,Hydraulic proceses in frozen unsaturated soils, Journal of JGS, 71(7), 6-9.
- Kunio Watanabe, 2021,Considering water flow in snow pack with soil physics - Water retention and flow in porous media determined by the pore structure -, Sepppyo, 83(6), 547-554.
- Toyokazu Hirozumi, Yeyassu Tokumoto, Masaru Sakai, Junko Nishiwaki, Chihiro Kato, Kunio Watanabe, Hiroyuki Shiozawa, Masaru Mizoguchi, 2020, A digital cartoon application for radiation safety education to children, Water,Land and Environ.Eng., 88(1), 19-22.
- Toyokazu Hirozumi, Yui Kaminaga, Ieyasu Tokumoto, Junko Nishiwaki, Masaru Sakai, Chihiro Kato, Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, 2019, Expanding the outreach activities of radiation safty education to children in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, Water,Land and Environ.Eng., 87(11), 939-942.
- Junko Nishiwaki, Ieyasu Tokumoto, Masaru Sakai, Chihiro Kato, Toyokazu, Hirozumi, Kunio Watanabe, Shiozawa Hiroyuki, 2018, Agriculture and Radiation Safety Education through Rice Harvesting and Field Trip in litate, Fukushima, Water,Land and Environ.Eng., 86(11), 31-34.
- Toyokazu Hirozumi, Masaru Sakai, Yui Kaminaga, Ieyasu Tokumoto, Junko Nishiwaki, Chiro Kato, Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, 2017, First Outreach Activity of Agriculture and Radiation Safety Educationfor Children outside Fukushimaat the "Yokkaichi Pollution and Environmental Museum for Future Awareness". Water,Land and Environ.Eng., 85(11), 1037-1040,a2,
- Yoko Tanicuthi, Keigo Koizumi, Chiemi Iba, Kunio Watanabe, Katsuhiko Sano, Piao Chunze, Hatic Temur, Ayca Basturkmen, Ugur Yalcinkaya, Mustafa Toptepe, 2016, Scientific research for conservation of rock-hewn church, Uzumlu (Cappadocia) in 2015: Chapel of niketas the stylite in Red Valley, 38th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, pp.525-544.
- M. Yoshioka, C. Iba, K. Watanabe, Y. Taniguchi, K. Koizumi, K. Sano, C. Piao, 2016, Effects of water repellent on frost damage in outer walls of rock-hewn churchs in Cappadocia, Turkey, Proc. the CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics and BauSIM 2016, 277-284.
- Kunio Watanabe, 2015, Monitoring and estimation of water and heat flows in the rocks at the base of Uzumlu church, Scientific studies on conservation for Uzumlu Church and its wall paintins in Cappadocia, Turkey, Vol. 1: Annual report on the activities in 2014.
- Kazuyuki Saito, Tetsuo Sueyoshi, Kunio Watanabe and Kazuo Takeda, Collection and archiving of historical domestic soil temperature and frost depth data, seppyo, 75(5), 291-296.
- Preface for Spesical Section: Progress in modeling and characterization of frozen soil processes, Vadose Zone Journal, 12, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0001
- Kunio Watanabe, 2013, Direct and quick monitoring of water potential in dry soil, CSA News, Jan. 2013,p13. doi:10.2134/csa2013-58-1-5.[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Youichi Tsumoto, and Tetsuya Kito, 2009, Wataer and solute infiltration into soil with frozen layer., Proc. Soil Moisture Workshop 2012, 67-72.[PDF]
- Kazuyuki Saito, Tetsuo Sueyoshi, Kunio Watanabe and Kazuo Takeda, 2011, Collection and archiving of historical domestic soil temperature and freezing depth data. Proc. Soil Moisture Workshop 2011, 61-63.
- Kunio Watanabe, 2009, Unfrozen water in frozen soils: Models and methods of observation. Proc. Soil Moisture Workshop 2009, pp 21.1 - 21.8..[PDF][Invited Paper]
- Kunio Watanabe, 2008, Water and heat flow in a directionally frozen silty soil. In: H. Saito, M. Sakai, N. Toride and J. Simunek (eds.), Proc. of The Third HYDRUS Workshop, June 28, 2008, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN 978-4-9901192-5-6, pp. 15-22, 2008.[PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, 2004 Remediation of soil using directional freezing technique, Materials Integration. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, 2003 Frost heave - the mechanism and availability-, In WS proceedings, Committe on Ground Improvement, JSMS, pp. 13-18 (in Japanese).
- Kunio Watanabe, Tadataka Ezaki, Kazunari Fukumura, Masaru Mizoguchi and Hideki Kiyosawa, 2001, Variability of thaw depth depending on surface micro-undulation and vegitation cover in the Siberian tundra, In Proceedings of the 5th International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME, vol. 3, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 632-636. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, 2000, Microscopic observation near growth surface of ice lens and the ice lensing model, J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Physics, 84, pp. 49-56 (in Japanese).[PDF]
- Tadataka Ezaki, Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi and Hideki Kiyosawa, 2000, Estimating the spatial distribution of thaw depth in the Siberian tundra near Tiksi from ground surface images relating with micro undulation and vegetation, Activity Report of GAME-Siberia 1999, pp 23-24. [PDF]
- Yohiko Muto, Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi and Takeshi Ishizaki, 1999, Experimental study of frost heaving using glass particles. EOS, Transactions, AGU 80 (American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA) p F427.
- Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, Norihumi Satou and Yuji Kodama , 1999, Classification of active layer soil along a line in Siberian wetland. In Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Beijing, China, pp. 300-301. [PDF]
- Masaru Mizoguchi, Kunio Watanabe, Kazunari Fukumura and Hideki Kiyosawa, 1999, Spatial distribution of active layer on a hillslope in Siberian tundra. In Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Beijing, China, 302-303. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe and Masaru Mizoguchi, 1999, Pit observations of active layer in tundra wetland near Tiksi, Siberia, Activity Report of GAME-Siberia 1998, pp 37-42. [PDF]
- Masaru Mizoguchi, Kunio Watanabe, Kazunari Fukumura and Hideki Kiyosawa, 1999, Spatial distribution of active layer on a hillslope in Siberian tundra, Activity Report of GAME-Siberia 1998, pp 35-36. [PDF]
- Kunio Watanabe, Masaru Mizoguchi, Norifumi Satou and Yuji Kodama, 1998, Physical properties of active layer soil in Siberian wetland, Activity Report of GAME-Siberia 1996-1997, pp 60-62. [PDF]
- Masaru Mizoguchi, Kunio Watanabe and Yuji Kodama, 1998, Spatial variation of active layer thickness in Siberian tundra, Activity Report of GAME-Siberia 1996-1997, pp 54-56.
- Kunio Watanabe, 1996, Microscopic observation of ice crystal growth in clay. In Proceedings of Sapporo Conference on the Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals, Sapporo, Japan, p. 149.
- Masaru Mizoguchi and Kunio Watanabe, 1994, A study on behavior of unfrozen interlayer water in clay by MD method, Agronomy Abstracts 248, Seattle, USA.
Doctoral thesis: