In order to allow humans to develop sustainably while coexisting with other organisms and preserving the environment, our course uses systems engineering as a method for education and research related to complex systems, the control of production systems, and the measurement of environmental information with a core of information processing technology, building on knowledge of bioecology. In other words, we offer research and education on symbiotic technology and plants that are related to environmental improvement. In addition, we carry out research and education on applied technology such as the production and processing of bioresources using low environmental load technologies through precise management.
Environmental Information and Technology

The purpose of our research is to contribute to the achievement of precision agriculture, and the increased biomass utilization by using engineering approach. Especially, we are actively involved in education and research related to the traveling performance of agri-vehicle, the agricultural information system and the distribution system. We also focus on education and research associated with torrefaction and biodiesel.
Productive Environment System

The creation methods of new secure machinery system with low environmental load are studied for agricultural and industrial production. The performances of machine and equipment systems are analyzed by using information technology, system engineering etc. Moreover, the education and research on the design of environmentally friendly machine system, intelligent robot system, conditions monitoring and diagnosis technology of various machinery are pursued by introducing advanced theory and technology.
Environmental Control in Biology

First step of our research is understanding the information about bioresource production involving with living things, environment, and people. With controlling these knowledge, the technology and theories are studied how to organize the bioresource production system most appropriately such as plant factories .
Energy Utilization Engineering

The purpose of our research is to utilize renewable biological resources and to automate and improve the efficiency of food production systems. We educate and research the theory and technology on the development of biodegradable biomass materials using plant biomass, the improvement of running performance of off-road vehicles, the automation of food production systems, and the optimization of agricultural machinery for effective use of energy
Agricultural and Food Systems

The focus of our education and research field is on food system defined as the aggregate of food-related processes involving food producing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consuming, disposing of food. Education and basic and applied research for sustainable food system, smart food system, agricultural robot, and information technology for monitoring the quality of agricultural and marine products and food are carried out in this field.