Course of Sustainable Earth and Environmental Sciences

Changes in the earth's environment such as climate changes and abnormal weather work in concert with ecological environmental systems and earth systems that are made up of the atmosphere, the oceans, the soils, plants, the hydrosphere, the ecosphere, and the activities of humans and other animals. We conduct research on the basic structures, change processes, symbiotic relationships, and interactions that make up these systems, such as the evolution of the earth, climate and terroir, conservation of the global environment, the physiological ecology and ecological harmonization of flora and fauna, and human activities, all with reference to observation, measurement, experimentation, investigation, remote sensing, and numerical analysis. We provide education and research to train people who can use the new scientific knowledge gained from this research and the thinking and practical skills learned through research to contribute to the creation of the next-generation culture and construct a sustainable society.
Course of Environment Oriented Information and System Engineering

In order to allow humans to develop sustainably while coexisting with other organisms and preserving the environment, our course uses systems engineering as a method for education and research related to complex systems, the control of production systems, and the measurement of environmental information with a core of information processing technology, building on knowledge of bioecology. In other words, we offer research and education on symbiotic technology and plants that are related to environmental improvement. In addition, we carry out research and education on applied technology such as the production and processing of bioresources using low environmental load technologies through precise management.
Course of Irrigation Drainage and Reclamation Engineering

In this course, we provide education and research with the goal of creating a rich rural environment as place for sound, healthy material circulation, preserving the rural regions where agriculture is practiced. Specifically, we carry out research and education on the appropriate and sustainable use of water, soil, and space in rural areas where the workings of nature and humans directly interact, planning and conservation for rural environments, development and management of rural areas and facilities, the effective use of regional resources, the theories and technologies required for preventing or mitigating natural disasters and recovering from them, investigation and analysis of overland and subsurface flows, and explanations and forecasts for the flow of water, chemicals, heat, and gas in rural areas.
Atmosphere and Climate Dynamics

The primary aim of our education and research is to analyze and understand, at both the global and the regional scales, the mechanism and the dynamics of the changes in the global climate and ecosystem, as well as the mutual interrelationships among them. GIS, field observation and satellite data are intensively utilized. The fingerprints of these changes are observed through such phenomena as extreme weathers (El Niño, storms), drought, air and water pollution related eco-climatic problems (global warming, ozone depletion, acid rains), and changes in the land covers (tropical rainforests destruction, desertification). We especially emphasize on the role and influence of the human as part of the global ecosystem. This makes it possible to obtain a deep understanding of his actions, and to devise and implement ways and means for sustainable solution to the problems.
Environmental Information and Technology

The purpose of our research is to contribute to the achievement of precision agriculture, and the increased biomass utilization by using engineering approach. Especially, we are actively involved in education and research related to the traveling performance of agri-vehicle, the agricultural information system and the distribution system. We also focus on education and research associated with torrefaction and biodiesel.
Rural Planning

For regional planning with risk reduction and flood mitigation, applied geomorphology is one of important subjects to understand for analysis of risk and vulnerability zoning. The geomorphologic land classification mapping showing flood affected area is one of the risk maps and using thus maps, the suitable location for land use in future for avoidance of disaster.
Meteorological Analysis and Prediction

Weather and climate have substantial influence on our society and economy. This is why various types of weather forecasts are provided, ranging from several-hour forecast to seasonal prediction. Those forecasts, however, have not yet been fully utilized by society. Everyday, a lot of meteorological data including observation and numerical simulation output are produced for the sake of providing weather forecasts. By analyzing those data, we are aimed at improving weather prediction skill through deeper understanding of meteorological phenomena, and also at finding a way to make weather forecast more useful for society.
Productive Environment System

The creation methods of new secure machinery system with low environmental load are studied for agricultural and industrial production. The performances of machine and equipment systems are analyzed by using information technology, system engineering etc. Moreover, the education and research on the design of environmentally friendly machine system, intelligent robot system, conditions monitoring and diagnosis technology of various machinery are pursued by introducing advanced theory and technology.
Soil Resources Engineering

Soil resources are useful for our life.However,it sometimes causes serious disasters.Our laboratory study about disaster prevention of ground because of keeping safety and suitable life.Research topics are evaluating physical and mechanical property of soil and the characteristics of interaction problem between soil and structure. Main research projects in our laboratory are shown below; 1)We developed light weight new Jack to use for lift-up procedure of ground anchor structure(SAAM system).SAAM system is possible to evaluate the healthiness of ground anchor. 2)We developed ground improved machine with gravel column(ECOGEO).ECOGEO is possible to apply improvement of bearing capacity and drainage in the ground. 3)We research on improvement and maintenance of old ponds. 4)We evaluate shear band propagation in the ground using FE analysis and model test.
Ocean Climate

According to the increase of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, it is suspected that global warming would be proceed and abnormal weather would be frequently occurred. Abnormal ocean conditions such as decease of the Arctic sea ice or the temperature rise in the deep seas, would be occurred in the global ocean, too. In our ocean climate laboratory, concerned researches on the global ocean climate variability and global ocean circulation change are carried out through the global analysis of sea level change and water temperature. For the researches, in-situ oceanographic observation and analysis are also carried out by our training ship "Seisui-Maru" of Mie University. Further numerical model experiment on the ocean circulation, and re-analysis of the archived oceanographic data in the JODC are also tried. Let's start to study the global ocean climate change with us for the sustainable ocean and earth..
Environmental Control in Biology

First step of our research is understanding the information about bioresource production involving with living things, environment, and people. With controlling these knowledge, the technology and theories are studied how to organize the bioresource production system most appropriately such as plant factories .
Water Resources Engineering

We are aiming to develop the conservation and recycling technology of water resources that can answer the continuing needs of the society on the basis of a quantitative grasp of the hydro-cultural weight including evapotranspiration and rainfall during the hydrologic process of the natural world studied mainly from the agricultural sector. To be specific, through the proposal related to the design of water storage facilities, water transmission and drainage facilities with attention paid to water quality problems such as eutrophication, etc. and the proposals about environment improvement and research while paying attention to the ecosystem of the water environment, the educational research also containing the evaluation method itself will be conducted based on the results above. In addition, the research of surface-water may relate to overseas irrigation and drainage, and the research of subsurface flow may also relate to the hot spring water or other natural waters deeply underground.
Ocean and Climate Change

Ocean covers the approximately 70% of Earth's surface and plays a vital role in changing weather and climate by providing a huge amount of heat and water vapor. Based on dynamic meteorology and physical oceanography, we are studying influence of the ocean on the extreme weathers such as torrential rainfall, severe storms, and so on. We are also assessing the changes in extreme weathers in the future climate under the global warming since they will have a tremendous societal impact, such as agriculture and infrastructure.
Energy Utilization Engineering

In this field, we educate and research on technology of generation and derivation of various kinds of renewable energy, with special consideration to both our dependence on fossil fuel energy and the mitigation of its burden on the environment. Our expertise spans over the fields of mechanism of transfer equipment and its performance and characteristic, and establishment of system for efficient use of energy, and technique of evaluation for total system. We especially focus our teaching and research on biomass materials development.
Terrestrial Land and Water Engineering

This field is intended to educate and research on development technologies for farmland soil, improvement technologies for soil degradation and promotion for international technical cooperation and others. In particular, we will be elaboration that problems on agricultural/rural, land-use planning as a countermeasure, NOGYO-DOBOKU (Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering) projects and agricultural/rural improvement projects and others.
Future Earth

Ocean covers the approximately 70% of Earth's surface and plays a vital role in changing weather and climate by providing a huge amount of heat and water vapor. Based on dynamic meteorology and physical oceanography, we are studying influence of the ocean on the extreme weathers such as torrential rainfall, severe storms, and so on. We are also assessing the changes in extreme weathers in the future climate under the global warming since they will have a tremendous societal impact, such as agriculture and infrastructure.
Agricultural and Food Systems

The agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry that takes charge of the food production is considered to be the only industry that contributes to environmental preservation. The food system is tying "Food production", "Food processing", "Food distribution", and "Food retail". In this educational research field, "Smart food system", "Smart agricultural system", "Food preservation technology" and "Handling technique of micro, macro and meta information related to food quality and food culture" are treated. Especially, education and basic and applied research such as "Observation and analysis of the hydrological cycle related to the agriculture", "Monitoring and modeling of farm products and the growing environment", "Food preservation technology", and "Virtual food system designing with the gastronomic culture" are provided.
Irrigation Facilities Engineering

Recently more efficient use of the earth's resources and reduction of environmental burden are required even in construction materials and works. Agricultural facilities such as dams, head works and canals are aging and having a variety of problems in the face of global environmental changes. To solve these challenges, we promote practical education and research concerning development new materials with recycle materials, non-destructive testing methods of agricultural facilities and new reconstruction methods using techniques such as material tests, model tests, site investigations and numerical analysis.
Sustainable Earth System

Research subjects of this laboratory are (a) the past and (b) the future of the earth. (a) Knowledge of the past earth environment is needed to be understanding nature of material and energy circulation in our planet For understanding of the past earth, we investigate marine and land sediment and sedimentary rocks by the several methods: geology, environmental geology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and geochronology. Especially, we develop and apply original processing and instrument of non-destructive scanning technology called " TATSCAN". (b) For predicting and planning of our future of the earth, it is necessary to investigated sustainable development not only for natural environment but also for human society. We investigate future model of self-sustainable social system especially based on renewable energy such as, solar, wind, water, and biomass.
Vadose Zone Hydrology

Soils are among the most complex systems found in nature where physical, chemical, and biological processes taking place simultaneously. Water and energy balance through the soils, especially in cryosphere, strongly affects not only local agriculture but also global climatic changes. Vadose zone hydrology and soil physics is concerned with the application of physical principles to characterization of soil properties and to understanding of processes occurring in this life-supporting thin crust of the Earth surface.
Water Environment and Natural Disasters

Water often presents a threat to humankind, but is often regarded as a resource.From the former viewpoint,we study and educate students about natural disaster science, especially the science of water-related disasters. From the latter viewpoint, we study and educate students about water resources and water environment engineering. For each hydrological process, we specifically examine precipitation and flooding, especially statistic and stochastic analyses of precipitation and flood. Research areas we treat are hydraulic engineering, river engineering, hydrology, meteorology, and seismology.
Soil Physics and Hydrology

The vadose zone, also termed the unsaturated zone, is a soil layer from the surface to the position of the groundwater, generally corresponding to the plant root zone. Unsaturated water flow, solute, heat, and gas transport with the carbon and nitrogen cycling in the vadose zone are experimentally and numerically studied. Field and laboratory experiments are conducted to intensively monitor water flow and solute transport. Numerical simulation models are developed to predict water, heat, and chemical transport with plant root uptake in a soil including nitrogen components in a solution phase and carbon dioxide in a gas phase as a result of degradation of organic matters. Furthermore, the chemical transport model is applied to predict cesium transport in agricultural fields of Fukushima area.
Applied Environmental Studies

Our laboratory aims to create the society where people could have the feel of freedom, safety and welfare. We evaluate different aspects of the world. For example, Riding a motorcycle has both aspects of pleasure and danger. Improving the regional environment sometimes leads to deterioration of the global environment. We study the sustainable regional managing method based on the evaluations. We utilize landscape characters because they reflect the underlying geology, soils, topography, land cover, hydrology, historic and cultural development and climatic considerations. We want to provide a more harmonious link between man and the natural world with them.